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Sebago Lake Kayak Lesson & Historical Tour
with Bill Allen & Katelyn Perry

Bill Allen & Katelyn Perry, Sebago Trails PaddlingJoin the Registered Maine Guides at Sebago Trails Paddlingfor an on the water adventure. This two hour course will beginwith a safety briefing and lesson covering the fundamentals ofrecreational kayaking. Using the EZ launching system at SebagoTrails Paddling, the tour will explore the water-carved bendsand twists of a meandering stream unveiling local wildlife in arustic backdrop. Then continue onto Jordan Bay of Sebago Lakeas the guides share stories dating back to the settlements of theSebago Lake region. Come for the beautiful lake views and leavewith your new favorite hobby! This is a great experience foranyone looking to get outdoors. Perfect for first time kayakersand experienced kayaking enthusiasts. Sebago Trails Paddlingwill provide: Kayak, Paddle, Lifejacket. What to bring: Water, sunscreen, sunglasses, towel.
Career & Workforce Exploration
with Suzette Moulton, CCSP
START ANYTIME! Are you thinking about career options? Let us help you get to know yourself better! Suzette, our Certified Career Services Provider, will guide you through self-exploration - including career values, interest assessments, and even your search for a college or training program that meets your needs. Open to all future-minded youth and adults who are exploring workforce and training or education. Please call 345-3217 for an appointment. Registration: 4-week session, $50. Free to unemployed tri-town residents.
College & Training Preparation
with Sue Lasselle
START ANYTIME! Going to college or training can improve your chances of getting a better paying job to increase the quality of life for yourself and your family. For high school graduates who plan to enter college or training programs, we can help you meet pre-requisites and brush up on specific skills to increase your confidence! $50. Free to unemployed residents.
We also have access to free programming designed to help you in a broader sense with a more in-depth college transition experience. Call for more details.
College Transitions
with Adult Ed Staff
START ANYTIME! If you have time for a more comprehensive preparation program to increase your confidence for college enrollment, we have options for you to consider with partner programs. Call 345-3217 for details!
Email Basics
with Suzette Moulton
Everyone asks for your email address these days! Do you need help navigating the whole email process? In this class, you will create an email address for yourself and learn the basics of sending and receiving messages. Practice opening, replying and forwarding email so you can communicate with friends, family and professionals. Start anytime! Please call 345-3217 for an appointment. Registration: four 1-hour sessions $40.
Employability Skills
with Suzette Moulton, CCSP
START ANYTIME! Job searching? Let’s sharpen your job skills! Do you need to create or update your resume, create a (professional!) email account, learn Microsoft Office basics, or refine your existing skills? Our Certified Career Services Provider/Advisor, Suzette, will work one-on-one with you over six sessions to meet your career-focused computer needs. Work on creating documents appropriate for the workplace and/or the basics of sending and receiving email messages as well as opening and attaching files. Call for more information or to set up a schedule. Registration: 6-week session, $50.
HiSET Preparation and Testing
with Sue Lasselle
START ANYTIME! Similar to the GED®, the HiSET® exam measures learning developed through life experiences in areas of Reading, Science, Social Studies, Math and Writing. Preparation classes, predictor tests and exams are free. Must be 17 or older. Accommodations are available for persons with documented disabilities per Americans with Disabilities Act. Please call 345-3217 or email for more information or to schedule an appointment. Start working toward your HiSET credential now!
Interview Preparation
with Suzette Moulton, CCSP
No matter how much experience you have, meeting with a stranger to talk about yourself in an employment interview can be stressful and intimidating. If you would like some tips and low-stakes practice, call 345-3217 to set up a 2-hour mock interview appointment with our Certified Career Services Provider. Free.