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Music & Dance
in Personal Enrichment
with Erin Hamlin

Come join Erin for a drop in class to see what it's all about. Made for everyone! It is a dance fitness cardio class with roots in latin rhythms. Wear sneakers and comfortable clothes, bring water and a towel. Erin has been teaching Zumba since 2014, with hundreds of students across Maine and beyond! You can learn more about her and her classes at: profile/erin-hamlin/1091680. $5 PLEASE BRING EXACT AMOUNT TO CLASS
(Photo Credit: Jeff Kloft)
ZUMBA - Session 2
with Erin Hamlin

The class that started the dance-fitness revolution and changed the way we look at a “workout” forever. It’s fun, effective and best of all? Made for everyone! It is a dance fitness cardio class with roots in latin rhythms. Wear sneakers and comfortable clothes, bring water and a towel. Erin has been teaching Zumba since 2014, with hundreds of students across Maine and beyond! You can learn more about her and her classes at: profile/erin-hamlin/1091680. 6-week session. REGISTER EARLY TO ENSURE THE CLASS WILL RUN!
(Photo Credit: Jeff Kloft)
Will run