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Workforce Training
in Business & Skills Training
Substitute Teacher Training
with Amy Hediger and Jill Mathieu

Are you interested in becoming a Substitute Teacher for RSU 16? This engaging training is for anyone considering the opportunity, as well as for those already working as a Sub. No experience or degree required! We will cover general procedures, classroom management expectations, tips & tricks, lesson plans, health and safety, and the application process. Free, but you must register in advance. Participants who are later hired by RSU 16 will be eligible for compensation for attending!
Career & Workforce Exploration
with Suzette Moulton, CCSP
START ANYTIME! Are you thinking about career options? Let us help you get to know yourself better! Suzette, our Certified Career Services Provider, will guide you through self-exploration - including career values, interest assessments, and even your search for a college or training program that meets your needs. Open to all future-minded youth and adults who are exploring workforce and training or education. Please call 345-3217 for an appointment. Registration: 4-week session, $50. Free to unemployed tri-town residents.
Email Basics
with Suzette Moulton
Everyone asks for your email address these days! Do you need help navigating the whole email process? In this class, you will create an email address for yourself and learn the basics of sending and receiving messages. Practice opening, replying and forwarding email so you can communicate with friends, family and professionals. Start anytime! Please call 345-3217 for an appointment. Registration: four 1-hour sessions $40.
Real Estate Sales Agent
with The Center For Real Estate Studies
To qualify for a Sales Agent License in Maine, individuals must pass a 55-hour Sales Agent course and the Maine Real Estate Licensing Exam. After successful completion of both, students are eligible to apply for a Sales Agent license through the Designated Broker of a company they will be affiliated with. This online, self-paced course must be completed within one calendar year of registration and is meant for individuals who have an interest in buying and/or selling real estate or who may be considering employment in a related field. Instructor support is available throughout the course. Online materials and fees are included in the $370 course cost. Upgrade to a hard copy of the text for an extra $25.
Call 345-3217 for more information.